Welcome! This page will give you information on jury duty in Bonneville County. Jury duty is an important service in this country. Citizens from all walks of life become jurors every day. As a juror, you can play a role in ensuring another’s constitutional rights are honored. Most jurors find serving on a jury to be an interesting and rewarding experience. Below you will find a link to complete your questionnaire online as well as a helpful video about jury selection procedure. You will also see answers to some common questions about jury duty. The Jury Commissioner’s contact information is at the bottom of this page.
If you have any other questions or issues please contact the Jury Commissioner.
Mail: Office of The Jury Commissioner
605 N. Capital Ave.
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Phone: 208-529-1350 Ext: 1902
E-mail: jury@co.bonneville.id.us
Fax: 208-524-7915