Collection of property taxes

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Contact Information
(208) 529-1380
Click here to see how the property tax process happens

Bonneville County Treasurer
Phone: (208) 529-1380
Fax: (208) 529-1353

Mailing address: 605 N Capital Ave., Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Physical address: 500 N Capital Ave., Idaho Falls

Payment methods
Payments may be made in cash, check, money orders, debit or credit cards.
Make checks payable to: Bonneville County Tax Collector

Credit Card payments via phone or internet
Click here to make a payment on-line:
Real Property (land, buildings, homes)
Personal Property (business property or manufactured homes)
You will need either your parcel (PIN) number or your bill number (including the four digit year prefix).

To make a payment by phone call:
You will also need your Bill Number, found on your tax statement. Please provide the four digit year followed by six numeric characters. Bill numbers change each year so it is important to use the year the tax was assessed.

This service is provided by a third-party entity. All electronic payments are subject to a convenience fee with a minimum fee of $2.00.  Payment cutoff for same day processing is 6:59 pm MST.  All electronic payments processed after 6:59 pm will be credited as the next business day. Balances not paid on or before the due date will be subject to late charge and interest, in accordance with Idaho’s state statute.

Due dates and late charges
Taxes are paid in arrears and are payable on or before December 20th of each year. Taxes may be paid in two equal halves. If the first half is not paid on or before December 20th there is a 2% late charge on that half. Interest on delinquent taxes is calculated at 1% per month beginning January 1st of the following year.
If the second half is not paid on or before June 20th that half becomes delinquent and a 2% late charge is added. Interest is calculated at 1% per month beginning January 1 of that year.
If the 20th falls on a weekend or a holiday taxes are due the following business day.
Partial payments are also accepted; however the deadlines described above apply. The minimum payment for partial payments is $25.
A second or “subsequent” tax roll is generated after the first of the year to pick up property not included in the first billing. The first installment for this roll is typically due March 20th.
Post Office cancellation marks are considered valid, however metered dates are not.

Personal property sold or moved and business closures
Business personal property and manufactured homes sold or moved must have the taxes pre-paid prior to the date of sale or removal. Please contact the Treasurer’s Office before selling or moving property. If property is sold, moved or if a business is closed please contact the Assessor’s Office in order to help them keep accurate and up-to-date information.

E-Mail Reminders
Periodic email notifications are sent out to remind the public of upcoming deadlines, news
and other information. Click here to enroll.

We are pleased to serve the community and welcome any feedback you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

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