Household Hazardous Waste Program
What is Household Hazardous Waste?
Some jobs around the home may require the use of products containing hazardous components. The used or leftover contents of such consumer products are known as household hazardous waste (HHW).
Americans generate 1.6 million tons of household hazardous waste per year. The average home can accumulate as much as 100 pounds of household hazardous waste. When improperly disposed of, the waste can create a potential risk to people and our environment. There are certain steps that people can take to reduce the amount of hazardous waste they generate and to ensure that those wastes are safely stored, handled, and disposed of properly.
Why Is Proper Disposal Necessary?
Careless use and disposal of these substances contaminate our food, soil, water, and air, and seriously threaten the health of plants, animals, and people.
Hazardous chemicals can “pass through” treatment processes, storm drains or landfills and be discharged into our environment. This occurs because wastewater treatment plants are not designed to remove hazardous chemicals from wastewater or storm drains can flow directly into water sources without any treatment at all.
HHW thrown into the garbage can injure workers during collection or mix with other chemicals when landfilled.
Groundwater used for drinking or irrigation can be contaminated when waste products are poured onto or seep into the ground.
HHW stored in homes or garages can endanger emergency personnel responding to fires or other accidents.
What Can You Do to Create Less Hazardous Waste?
Use safer alternatives. Homemade window cleaner is as effective as commercial brands.
Read labels and buy the product with the lowest level of warning on the label. For example, buy products with “caution” instead of “poison” on the label.
Buy the smallest amount you need for the job.
Use up what you have first.
If you can’t use it up, give it to someone who can.
Completely finish using products in containers before disposing. Clean, empty containers can be put in the trash.
Managing Household Hazardous Waste
Because of the potential risks associated with household hazardous wastes, it is important that people always use, store, and dispose of materials containing hazardous substances safely.
Use and store products containing hazardous substances carefully to prevent any accident at home. Never store hazardous products in food containers.
Never mix leftover household hazardous waste with other products.
DO NOT place hazardous material in your trash container, recycling container, or yard waste container.
Take household hazardous waste to a local collection program or share leftover material with neighbors, charities or government agencies.
Disposal Guide for Household Hazardous Waste
To protect the environment, do not dispose of these types of items in the trash, in the sewer, or on the ground.
(2) Saturdays each year - second Saturday of May and second Saturday of September
2025 DATES
MAY 10th
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Bonneville County Transfer Station
2455 Hemmert Ave
Idaho Falls, ID
(208) 528-5550
Driveway Sealer
Concrete Cleaner
Roofing Tar
Furniture Stripper
Glue (with solvents)
Polish (with solvents)
Oil-based Paints
Paint Remover
Paint Thinner
Drain Cleaners
Oven Cleaner
Thermometers (mercury)
Charcoal Lighter Fluid
Oil Filters
Rodent Bait
Weed Killer
Pool Chemicals
Carburetor Cleaner
Aerosol Products
Fluorescent Lights
Batteries (rechargeable)
*Clean, empty containers can be disposed of in the trash.
Automobile Batteries (lead acid) are accepted anytime at the Transfer Station for recycling
Used Motor Oil and Used Antifreeze (up to 5 gallons per visit) accepted at the Transfer Station for recycling.