County Ordinances
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Contact Information
(208) 529-1360
Laws and Regulations
- 11/14/1969 Telecable Ordinance
- 7/9/1970 Regulating the Licensing, Inspection, and Operation of Ambulances
- 2/9/1971 Law Enforce Plan to Qualify to Receive Public Training & Aid
- 4/13/1971 Jail Ordinance
- 3/20/1972 Establishment of Bonneville County Sheriff's Reserve
- 6/5/1972 Assessment Sticker Ordinance for the Marking of House Trailers
- 9/1/1972 Television Ordinance
- 105-76 Parking and Abandonment (AMENDED by 224-14)
- 107-77 Sanitary Sewer Lines
- 110-78 Adopting the Peddlers and Solicitors Licenses
- 115-79 Direct Legislation for People thru Initiative & Refer by Way of Ballot
- 117-80 The Burglary and Robbery Alarm Ordinance
- 121-80 Retail Sale of Wine
- 122-81 Request for Power Connection Permit
- 123-81 Punishment for Misdemeanor
- 125-81 Flood Control Measures
- 130-83 Licensing, Inspection, and Operation of Non-Emergency Ambulances
- 131-83 Public Corporation for Financing Project Costs of Industrial Development Facilities
- 132-83 Providing for County Hospital Facility
- 134-83 Fireworks Ordinance
- 135-83 Vehicle Licensure Fees performed by Motor Vehicle Department
- 138-85 Taxation of Mobile Homes
- 139-85 Child Day Care Licensing
- 141-86 Model Conservation Standards Equivalent Code
- 147-87 Flood Conditions (AMENDED by 208-02)
- 150-89 Firearms and Dangerous Weapons
- 154-91 County Personnel Administration
- 160-93 Emergency Management
- 161-93 Exchange of Property
- 163-94 Weed Control
- 164-94 Solid Waste
- 166-94 Dual Snowmobile/Motor Vehicle Use and Roadway Closure
- 167-94 Waste Tire Disposal
- 172-95 Building or Structure Safety Assessment
- 173-95 Restricted Snowmobile Area Ordinance
- 174-95 Minor/Juvenile Curfew (AMENDED by 189-97)
- 176-96 Snowmobile Trails and Road Closures
- 177-96 Recreation Fee
- 189-97 Minors/Juvenile Curfew
- 194-99 Public Corporation
- 195-99 Interim Moratorium on Issuance Livestock Confinement Permits
- 198-00 Telecable Franchise Renewal
- 204-01 Interim Moratorium on Issuance of Livestock Confinement Permits
- 207-02 Sexually-Oriented Businesses Ordinance
- 208-02 Adopt a New Flood Study and Updated Maps (AMENDED by 251-23)
- 211-03 Consolidated Emergency Communication System
- 214-03 Billboard Ordinance (AMENDED by 215-04)
- 215-04 Billboard Ordinance
- 219-10 County Helmet and License Requirements
- 220-10 Cable One Franchise
- 222-10 East Idaho Regional Solid Waste District Flow Control
- 223-11 Graffiti Removal
- 224-12 Parking and Abandonment Ordinance
- 229-17 Restricted Snowmobile Area
- 231-17 Construction and Maintenance in Right of Way
- 232-17 Dog Control, License & Enforcement
- 234-19 Right-of-Way Roadside Disturbance
- 236-19 Alcohol Sales
- 237-19 Quality for Plant Investment Property Tax Exemption Under Code 63
- 240-21 Public Waters - No Wake Ordinance
- 241-22 Prohibition of Alcohol at Bonneville County Fairgrounds
- 243-22 Repeal of Ordinance 116-79 (Private Patrol Service)
- 251-23 Bonneville County Flood Damage Prevention
- 254-23 Sign Code
- 255-23 Solid Waste Management Ordinance
- 258-23 Public Utility Placement
- 261-24 Ririe Reservoir Parking Fees
- 263-24 Jake Brake Ordinance
Planning and Zoning
- 4/4/1979 Amendment to P&Z Mobile Home Zone R.M.H. and Regulations
- 133-83 Amendment to Mobile Home Zone R.M.H. and Regulations
- 157-91 Northwest Energy Code and Standards
- 192-98 Adoption of Uniform Building, Sign, Fire and Mechanical Codes
- 210-02 Adopting International Codes (AMENDED by 212-03)
- 212-03 Adopting International Codes (AMENDED by 216-04)
- 216-04 Adopting the 2003 International Codes (AMENDED by 225-12)
- 225-12 Adopting the 2009 International Codes (AMENDED by 233-18)
- 233-18 Adopting the 2015 International Codes (AMENDED by 239-21)
- 239-21 Adopting the 2018 International Codes
- 248-22 Terms of Office & Appointment of P&Z Commission
- 253-23 Amendment to Bonneville County P&Z Ordinance
- 259-23 Amendment to Bonneville County P&Z Ordinance
- 262-24 Amendment to Bonneville County P&Z Ordinance
- 265-24 Amendment to Bonneville County P&Z Ordinance
- Bonneville County Zoning Ordinance
Impact Areas
- 118-80 City of Ammon Impact Area
- 199-00 City of Ucon Impact Area
- 200-00 City of Swan Valley Impact Area
- 201-00 City of Irwin Impact Area
- 202-00 City of Ririe Impact Area
- 203-01 City of Idaho Falls Impact Area
- 205-01 City of Ammon Impact Area
- 206-01 City of Iona Impact Area
- 213-03 Adopting an Urban Renewal Area within Idaho Falls Impact Area
- 226-14 Adopting an Urban Renewal Area Within a Small Area of Idaho Falls
- 256-23 City of Iona Impact Area
- 257-23 City of Ammon Impact Area
- 264-24 City of Idaho Falls Area of Impact Agreement and Map
County Development
- 5/3/1974 Creating LID #1
- 11/11/1974 LID #1 Guarantee Fund
- 106-77 LID #1 Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds
- 108-77 Describing and Creating LID #2
- 111-79 Confirmation of LID #2 Assessment Roll
- 112-79 LID #2 Authorizing Issuance of Bonds
- 124-81 Creation of LID #3 (AMENDED by 127-82)
- 127-82 For Inclusion of Additional Lands in LID #3
- 128-82 Confirming the Assessment Roll for LID #3
- 129-83 Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds, LID #3
- 137-85 LID #5 Lincoln Town-site Water Distribution (AMENDED by 143-87)
- 140-86 LID #6 Water Improv at Country Life Estates (AMENDED by 144-87)
- 142-87 Confirming Assessment Roll for LID #5
- 143-87 LID #5 Lincoln Town-site Water Improvements
- 144-87 LID #6 Water Improv at Country Life Estates
- 145-87 LID #5 Issuance of Series B Bonds
- 146-87 LID #5 Issuance of Series A Bonds
- 148-88 LID #6 Assessment Roll
- 149-88 LID #6 Issuance of Bond
- 155-91 LID #7 Lincoln Water System
- 156-91 LID #7 Lincoln Water System
- 158-92 LID #7 Confirming Assessment Roll
- 159-92 LID #7 Issuance of Bonds
- 162-93 LID #8 Cloverdale Street Lighting
- 165-94 LID #10 H&H Acres
- 168-94 LID #10 H&H Acres/Confirmation of Assessment Roll
- 169-95 LID #10 H&H Acres/Issuance of Series Bond
- 170-95 LID #8 Cloverdale Street Lighting/Assessment Roll
- 171-95 LID #8 Cloverdale Street Lighting/Creation
- 175-95 LID #8 Cloverdale Street Lighting/Issuance of Bonds
- 178-96 LID #9 Mobile Home Estates
- 179-96 Security Lighting District #2 Mobile Home Estates
- 180-96 LID #11 Lincoln Park Subdivision
- 181-96 Security Lighting District #3 Lincoln Park Subdivision
- 182-97 LID #12 McDonald's Farm
- 183-97 Security Lighting District #4 McDonald's Farm
- 184-97 Security Lighting Districts #5-14
- 185-97 Confirming Assessment Roll/LID #11 Lincoln Park
- 186-97 Confirming Assessment Roll/LID #9 Mobile Home Estates
- 187-97 LID #9 Issuance of the Bonds
- 188-97 LID #11 Issuance of the Bonds
- 190-98 Confirming LID #12
- 191-98 Ordinance and Resolution of LID #12
- 193-98 Creation of Lighting Districts #15-25
- 196-99 Creation of Lighting Districts #26-32
- 209-02 Creation of Lighting Districts #33-40
- 217-05 Creation of Lighting Districts #41-67
- 218-10 Creation of Lighting Districts #68-85 & #87-92
- 227-14 Creation of Lighting Districts 86, 93, 94, and 95
- 228-16 Creation of Lighting Districts 96-101
- 235-19 Creation of Lighting Districts #102-110
- 238-20 Creation of Lighting Districts #111-117
- 242-22 Street Name Change of Paintbrush Ridge Road to Packbridge Lane
- 244-22 Street Name Change of Sagewood Circle to Paintbrush Circle
- 245-22 Street Name Change of Boulder Dr. to 11750 N
- 246-22 Street Name Change of Ferguson St. to 13330 N
- 247-22 Street Name Change of Janice Way to Canyon View Circle
- 250-22 Street Name Change of Paintbrush Circle to Packbridge Circle
- 252-23 Creation of Lighting Districts #118-128
- 260-24 Creation of Lighting Districts #129-140
- 5/29/1967 (REPLACED by 134-83) Safe and Sane Fireworks
- 11/14/1968 (REPLACED by 164-94) Orderly Development
- 101-75 (REPLACED by 110-78) Adopting the Peddlers and Solicitors Licenses
- 102-75 (REPLACED by 248-22) Terms of Office & Appointment of P&Z Commission (Copy not available)
- 104-76 (REPLACED by 154-91) Personnel Administration
- 109-78 (REPLACED by 248-22) Terms of Office & Appointment of P&Z Commission
- 113-79 (REPLACED BY 232-17) Dog Control, License & Enforcement
- 114-79 (REPLACED by 241-22) Prohibition of Alcohol in Public Parks
- 116-79 (REPLACED BY 243-22) Private Patrol Service
- 119-80 (REPLACED by 203-01) City of Idaho Falls Area of Impact
- 120-80 (REPLACED by 160-93) Emergency Management
- 126-82 (REPLACED by 248-22) Terms of Office & Appointment of P&Z Commission
- 136-83 (REPLACED by 248-22) Terms of Office & Appointment of P&Z Commission
- 151-90 (REPLACED by 192-98) Adoption of Uniform Building, Sign, Fire, and Mechanical Codes
- 152-90 (REPLACED by 211-03) Consolidated Emergency Communication System
- 153-90 (REPLACED by 211-03) Consolidated Emergency Communication System
- 197-00 (REPLACED by 261-24) Parking Fee Ordinance
- 221-10 (RESCINDED by 231-17) Rights of Way for Construction Maintenance
- 230-17 (RESCINDED by 231-17) Swale Ordinance