Commissioner Resolutions
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Name or Date of Resolution Name and/or Description of Resolution
- 99-01 Economic Development Project
- 99-02 Lighting Districts #'s 26-32
- 99-03 Snowmobile Trails & Road Closures
- 99-04 Tax Refund Policy
- 99-05 Lighting Districts #'s 26-32
- 99-06 Ordinance 196-99, Lighting Districts #'s 26-32
- 00-01 App for ICDBG Grant
- 00-02 Snowmobile Trails & Road Closures00-03 Central Fire Protection District
- 00-04 Bonneville County Fire Protection District #1
- 01-01 Forest Reserve Payment/ HR 2389
- 01-02 Amount Allocated to Local Projects
- 01-03 Funding to be Assigned to Title II & III Projects
- 01-04 Condemning Terrorist Attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
- 01-05 Snowmobile Trails & Road Closures
- 02-01 IRCB Grant to Assist Infrastructure
- 02-02 Create Lighting Districts #'s 33-40
- 02-03 Confirmation of Lighting Districts #'s 33-40
- 02-04 Ordinance 209-02; Lighting Districts #'s 33-40
- 02-05 Fee for Misdemeanor Adult Probation Services
- 02-06 Authorizing Construction of Infrastructure
- 02-07 Construction of Infrastructure
- 02-08 Designation of Funding to Title II & III Projects
- 02-09 Snowmobile Trails & Road Closures
- 02-10 Gates & Cattle Guards on Public Roads
- 03-01 Joint Power Agreement Method
- 03-02 Funding to Title II & III Projects
- 03-03 September Family Day
- 03-04 Submittal of FY03 LLEBG App
- 03-05 Accts with McDonald Invest
- 03-06 Purchase In-Car Video Camera Systems
- 03-07 Snowmobile Trails & Road Closures
- 04-01 GASB Statement 34
- 04-02 Fair Housing Resolution
- 04-03 ICDBG App for York Road Wastewater
- 04-04 HIPPA
- 04-05 Annexing Territory to Central Fire Protection District
- 04-06 National Forest - Title II & III
- 04-07 Sheriff's Office to Purchase Taser Weapons
- 04-08 Sale & Delivery of Gen. Obligation Refunding Jail Bond
- 04-09 Bond Counsel Services (Jail Bond)
- 04-10 Snowmobile Trails & Road Closures
- 04-11 Purchase Northwood Mfg. Artic Fox Trailer
- 05-01 Digital Camera System in School District 93
- 05-02 Non-Violent Civil Rights Demonstrator
- 05-03 Lease/Purchase Agreement Wells Fargo
- 05-04 MPH Brand Cameras
- 05-05 Club Inc. Homeless Shelters
- 05-06 Sheriff's Office Civil Fees
- 05-07 National Incident Management System
- 05-08 Lighting Districts 41-13, 45-50, 52-61, 63-67
- 05-09 National Forest - Title II & III
- 05-10 Create Lighting Districts #'s 41-43, 45-50, 52-61, 63-67
- 05-11 Lighting Districts #'s 41-43, 45-50, 52-61, 63-67
- 05-12 Approving a Summary of Ordinance
- 05-14 Transfer Drug Court Funds to Madison County
- 05-15 Snowmobile Trails & Road Closures
- 05-16 Fair Housing Resolution
- 06-01 Bonneville County Resolution
- 06-02 Club Inc. Homeless Shelters
- 06-03 National Forest - Title II & III
- 06-04 Emergency 911 Fee from $0.75 to $0.50
- 06-05 Annexation of Adjoining Territory to Fire District #1
- 07-01 Resolution Amending Certain Financial Authorities
- 07-02 Fair Housing Resolution
- 07-03 Club Inc. Homeless Shelters
- 07-04 National Forest Counties and Schools Coalition
- 07-05Treasurer's Authorizations
- 07-06 Mosquito Abatement District
- 07-07 Petition for Annexing of Adjoining Territory
- 07-08 Sheriff's Purchase using Provision of Idaho Code 67-2806(1)(e)
- 07-09 Emergency 911 Fee From $0.50 to $1.00 Per Unit
- 07-10 Annexing Territory to the Central Fire Protection District
- 08-01 Construction of 25th E. (Hitt Rd) to (LHTAC)
- 08-02 Regulating Smoking in County Buildings and Vehicles
- 08-03 Snowmobile Trails and Road Closures
- 08-04 National Forest Related Safety Net Payments
- 09-01 Fire Protection District #1
- 09-02 Fair Housing Resolution
- 09-03 Monitor/Defibrillators from Physio Control
- 09-04 National Forest Related Safety Net Payments
- 10-01 Vacate County Road Right-of-Ways in Area 1
- 10-02 Approving a Summary of Ordinance #218-10
- 10-03 Confirmation of Lighting Districts #'s 68-85 & 87-92
- 10-04 Purchase of Watch Guard Digital In-Car Camera
- 10-05 Fair Housing Resolution
- 10-06 Vacate County Road Right-of-Ways in Area 2
- 10-07 Solid Waste District for Disposal System
- 10-08 Vacate County Road Right-of-Ways in Area 3
- 10-09 Vacate a Portion of Pheasant Grove Drive
- 10-10 Vacate County Road Right-of-Ways in Area 4
- 10-11 Multi-Bank Securities, INC
- 10-12 National Forest Related Safety Net Payments
- 10-12-1 Dissolve the Roberts Kettle Butte Water District
- 10-13 Vacate County Road Right-of-Ways in Area 5.
- 10-14 Creating the County Election Fund
- 10-15 Adopt the State Plan for Deferred Compensation
- 11-01 Vacate County Road Right-of-Ways in Area 6
- 11-02 General Personnel Administration System
- 11-03 Intention to Sell Surplus Personal Property
- 11-04 Fair Housing Resolution
- 11-05 National Forest Related Safety-Net Payments
- 12-01 Refunding Property Taxes
- 12-02 Vacate a Portion of 81st N and Greenwillow Ln
- 12-03 Extend Deadline to Appeal Assessment Values
- 12-04 Emergency Expenditure-Tag Alder (FS 076)
- 12-05 National Forest Related Safety-Net Payments
- 12-06 Initiating Title III Projects
- 12-07 Resolution to Receive SRS or 25% Payment
- 12-08 Public Works Standard Specs & Drawings
- 12-09 Mailbox Waiver Resolution
- 12-10 Pretrial Screening Fee to $30.00 Monthly
- 12-11 Fee Schedule for the Sheriff's Office for 2012
- 12-12 Authorize BCSO to Purchase Equipment
- 12-13 Apply to BLM for Right-of-Way
- 12-14 Representation in Tracfone Litigation
- 13-01 Declaration of Drought Emergency
- 13-02 Hearing Fees for Rad Validation and Vacation
- 13-03 Hearing Fee for Vacation of a Platted Subdivision
- 13-04 CIVES Steel Company Tax Exemption Approval
- 13-05 Fee for Domestic Violence Risk Screening
- 13-06 Fee for Deferred Payment Services
- 13-07 Comprehensive Plan & Map Amendments
- 13-08 Revenue Anticipation Note for $150,000
- 13-09 Fee for Domestic Violence Risk Screening
- 13-10 National Forest Related Safety-Net Payments
- 14-01 Fair Housing Resolution
- 14-02 Public Works Department
- 14-03 Idaho Falls Redevelopment Agency
- 14-04 Idaho Falls Redevelopment Agency
- 14-05 Disaster Declaration for Malting Barley & Wheat Corps
- 14-07 Creation of Lighting Districts #'s 86, 93, 94, & 95
- 15-01 Construction of 45th W. 65th S. to US-20
- 15-02 Grant Equipment to other Law Enforcement Agencies
- 15-03 Craters of the Moon National Park
- 15-04 Admin. Judge Resolution (Beautification)
- 15-05 Autopay Sam's Club Direct Account
- 15-06 Validation Hearing on Right-of-Way No. 68
- 15-07 Tax Exemption for Freightliner
- 15-08 Snowmobile Trails and Road Closures
- 16-01 Intention of Lighting Districts #'s 96-101
- 16-02 Confirmation of Lighting District
- 16-03 Approve Ordinance 228-16 for Lighting District
- 16-04 CIVES Steel Company Tax Exemption Approval
- 16-05 Fair Housing Resolution
- 16-06 Dedication of the Centennial Courtroom
- 16-07 Tax Exemption for Northwest Cosmetic Labs
- 16-08 Declaration of a Drought Emergency
- 16-09 Burning Ban
- 16-10 Repeal of Burn Ban
- 16-11 Snowmobile Trails and Road Closures
- 16-12 Reduce the Number of People with Mental Illness in Jail
- 16-13 Paving Bone Road
- 17-01 Public Works Standard Specifications and Drawings
- 17-02 Fair Housing
- 17-03 County Commission and Admin. Judge Resolution
- 17-04 Application of Dust Control Measures
- 17-05 Grant Equipment to Other Law Enforcement Agencies
- 17-06 Establishing a Community College District
- 17-07 Burning Ban
- 17-08 Revenue to Improve Lincoln Road
- 17-09 Revenues for Swan Valley Sheriff's Building
- 17-10 Weeds Department Budget
- 17-11 Burning Ban
- 17-12 Garnishment Fees
- 17-13 Snowmobile Trails and Road Closure
- 17-14 Policy for Driveways Within Projects 17-15
- 17-16 LHTAC Bridge Application for Bridge #31310
- 18-01 Emergency Center Resolution for Colocation of Equipment
- 18-02 Set Colocation of Equipment (IT Infrastructure)
- 18-03 GIS- Establish Fees
- 18-04 Abuse and Overuse of Opioid Medications
- 18-05 Promote Interagency Cooperation and Support
- 18-06 Destruction of Public Records
- 18-07 Fair Housing Resolution
- 18-08 Public Works Standard Specifications and Drawings
- 18-09 Ambulance District Contract
- 18-10 Emergency Burning Ban
- 18-11 Adopt Public Works Standard Specifications and Drawings
- 18-12 Extra Revenue for Law Enforcement Needs
- 18-13 Purchase Street Sweepers from the City of Idaho Falls
- 18-14 Repeal of Burning Ban
- 18-15 Fees for E-Check Acceptance
- 18-16 Construction of Bridge # 31090
- 18-17 Reconstruct and Erect New Bridge # 31310
- 18-18 Snowmobile Trails and Road Closure
- 19-01 Creation of Lighting Districts # 102-110 Inclusive
- 19-02 Fair Housing Resolution
- 19-03 Intent to Sell Surplus Property/Protective Vest to IFPD.
- 19-04 Intent to Sell Surplus Property to IFPD
- 19-05 Use Extra Revenue for Increased Law Enforcement Needs
- 19-06 Snowmobile Trails and Road Closure
- 20-01 Hazardous Fuels
- 20-02 Disaster Declaration
- 20-03 Fair Housing Resolution
- 20-04 Intention to Create Lighting Districts 111-117 inclusive
- 20-05 Confirmation of Lighting Districts 111-117 inclusive
- 20-06 Approving Publication of Summary Ordinance No. 238-20
- 20-07 Snowmobile Trails and Road Closures
- 20-08 Adopting Budget
- 21-01 Joint Resolution and Agreement for Property Exchange
- 21-02 Elections Record Retention
- 21-03 Protected Second Amendment County
- 21-04 Sale of Deeded Property
- 21-05 Declaring Parcel as Odd-Lot Property
- 21-06 Burning Ban
- 21-07 Declaration of a Drought Emergency
- 21-08 Recovering Forgone Amount
- 21-09 Approving Bonneville County Budget for Fiscal Year 2022
- 21-10 Reserving the Forgone Amount
- 21-11 Approving Ambulance District Budget for Fiscal Year 2022
- 21-12 Repeal of Burn Ban
- 21-13 Preserving the Security of the Bonneville County Courthouse
- 21-14 Revisions to Bonn County Public Works Standard Spec and Drawings
- 21-15 Settlement Agreement with Pharmaceutical Companies Regarding Opioid Epidemic
- 21-16 Snowmobile Trails and Road Closure
- 22-01 Elections Record Retention
- 22-02 Declaration of a Drought Emergency
- 22-03 Local Highway Jurisdiction Resolution
- 22-04 Fairgrounds
- 22-05 Bonneville County Planning and Zoning Bylaws
- 22-07 Approving Bonneville County Budget for Fiscal Year 2023
- 22-08 Reserving the Forgone Amount for Bonn County Ambulance District
- 22-09 Approving Ambulance District Budget for Fiscal Year 2023
- 22-12 Appropriating Cash Reserves
- 22-13 Fire Code Replacing #06-01 (REPLACED BY RESOLUTION NO. 24-11)
- 22-14 Federal Funds to Reconstruct 145th N, From 55th E to 75th E
- 23-01 Destruction of Public Records for Sheriff's Office
- 23-02 Intent to Create Lighting Districts 118-128 Inclusive
- 23-03 Confirmation of Lighting Districts 118-128 Inclusive
- 23-04 Approving Publication of Summary Ordinance 252-23
- 23-05 Establishing Bonneville County Nonmedical Assistance
- 23-06 Ordering the Destruction of Election Records
- 23-07 Declaring Odd-Lot Property (RP03N39E114296)
- 23-08 Recovering Forgone Amount
- 23-09 Approving Bonneville County Budget for FY 2024
- 23-10 Reserving the Forgone Amount for Bonn County Ambulance Dist.
- 23-11 Bonneville County Sheriff's Civil Fees
- 23-12 Bonn County Sheriff's Civil Garnishment and Interim Return Process Fee
- 23-13 Road Closure and Maintenance Agreement for US Highway 26
- 23-14 Collection of Fees Supporting the Solid Waste Program
- 24-01 Destruction of Public Records for the Sheriff's Office
- 24-02 Destruction of County Election Records
- 24-03 Appropriating Cash Reserves
- 24-04 Intent to Create Lighting Districts 129-140 Inclusive
- 24-05 Confirmation of Lighting Districts 129-140 Inclusive
- 24-06 Approving Publication Summary of Ord 240-24
- 24-07 Intention to Vacate a Portion of 17th South
- 24-08 Declaring Odd-Lot Property
- 24-09 Intent to Hold a PH on the Vac of Public Roads w/in Cross-Roads Sub
- 24-10 Support of Crop Procedures in Bonneville County
- 24-11 Establishing Dep. of Fire Prevention and App a Fire Code Official
- 24-12 Bonneville County P&Z Permit, Plat, and Public Hearing Fees
- 24-13 Implementation of a Burning Ban
- 24-14 Recovering Forgone Amount
- 24-15 Approving Ambulance Budget for FY2025
- 24-16 Approving Annual Budget for FY2025
- 24-17 Rescinding of Burning Ban
- 24-18 BC Ag Protection Area Comm Bylaws & Terms of Office and Appoint.
- 25-01 Appropriating Cash Reserves for FY2024
- 25-02 Destruction of Records Relating to the East Idaho Behavioral Health Crisis Center
- 25-03 Destruction of County Election Records
- 25-04 Enact the Idaho Enhanced Emergency Communications Grantee
- 25-05 Adopt a Newly Designed Logo
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